Carotid artery occlusion blockage means that there is complete blockage of the artery. This is very serious, as complete blockage of the artery can cause a stroke.
Blockage of the pancreatic duct causes nutrient malabsorption.
Is it harmful if I have blockage in the jugular veins
A blockage is a state of being blocked, or that which is blocking something or someone else.
If there is a blockage of the ventricular system the flow of CSF is interrupted
Blockage of water creates more farms. Blockage of water creates electricity.
yes you can be pregnant especially when your man has a blockage
1. find blockage 2. lubricate blockage 3. stick in butt
yes the bacteria passes through the blockage because it is so small yes the bacteria passes through the blockage because it is so small
A total blockage will cause the heart to stop from oxygen depletion, resulting in heartattack, and death.
A heart attack or myocardial infarction.