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yes the other person ether just has to be able to know haw to keep their cool when needed or there is also a pill you can take to maintain your anger

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Q: Can a bipolar person love another for many years?
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How to break up with your bipolar boyfriend?

It would be so insane to break up with a person who is bipolar and you consider him bipolar even when he loves you so love doesn't see if the person is mentally challenged. Don't leave him. Give him a new hope to live and be with him.

Why does a person react with a bipolar disorder when they get romanticlly involved with someone they enjoy being with?

because they love them

What cause someone to be love bipolar?

LOVE BIPOLAR is NOT i repeat NOT a real illness. Katy Perry used that as some of her lyrics in Hot n Cold. But she's simply refering To BiPOlar to different mood swings. The man in the video keeps changing his mind(he wants to get married then he doesn't want to get married) just like a BiPolar person(Is happy then there not happy) Do you understand now?

What is another term for one sided love?

unrequited love - where one person loves another, but that love isn't returned

Does being bipolar affect who you like?

No it does not, you will like the same people whether or not you have bipolar. Imagine someone you love no matter what (family member, friend etc), you know that you will like that person ''no matter what''. The same goes for you, bipolar will not change this change you like. However that's not to say you will always like the same type of people, as you go through life what you like in a person can change. This is a normal.

Can a person love another person?

yes because he or she has strong feelings about that person

Who sings I love you for a thousand years?

the person that sings I love you for a thousand years is Christina Perri

What does Aijou mean in Japanese?

Love. Feelings of love for another person.

What should you do if your true love is with another person?

if your true love is with another person, first u have to let them go and if they come back then they are yours forever.

How if your own best friend love a person who you love and he love her also?

you might haf=ve to work it out or do something... maybe get another person you love?

What do you do when the person you love is playing games with another person?

ANSWER: When you said your love one is playing games with another person, is this some kind of games in the computer or maybe playing cards? Or is it that this person is seeing someone on the side

What does love mean in dutch?

Love has the same meaning, no matter which language it is. Love is the infatuation of one person to another, or one person to a thing.