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Are you asking about the Rh+ father and Rh- mother? Not a problem any more. There are drugs to prevent Rh- mom's immune system from attacking the Rh+ baby she's carrying. ALSO it was, in the past, a problem usually on second births and beyond. Some of baby's blood may have gotten into mom's blood and caused her to develop antibodies to the next baby. In the womb, baby and mom do NOT share blood.

Short answer -- No Problemo

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Q: Can Rh negative men can marry Rh positive women?
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Can o positive blood group men marry o negative girls?

you can marry anyone you want

Is any problem if a Rh negative men marry Rh positive women give details?

It actually is just the opposite. An Rh negative women and a Rh positive man would be a concern for a pregnant women. If you are planning on having a baby and the women is Rh negative and man is Rh positive the women should receive a shot of immuglobulin so she doesn't build up antibodies that could destroy her fetus. Please consult your doctor.

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There should be no problem concerning the blood groups. Only when the woman is Rhesus negative and the man is Rhesus positive, the offspring can be affected by Rh-disease (see:

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There should be no problem concerning the blood groups. Only when the woman is Rhesus negative and the man is Rhesus positive, the offspring can be affected by Rh-disease (see:

When was The Women Men Marry created?

The Women Men Marry was created in 1937.

Do African men marry Indian women?

Yes, men from India have married American women.

Are all marriages always man and woman?

No, some men marry men and some women marry women.

Can B positive blood group boy marry a positive girl?

Yes, an AB positive and AB negative man and woman can marry. During a pregnancy, she'll receive Rhogam to prevent rh sensitization.

Can o negative blood group men marry a positive girls?

Sure. In most states in the US, blood types aren't even a question.

Why do woman and men only get married?

men marry thinking women will never change.. women marry thinking men will change.... and atlast both are mistaken.... ;-)