Sadly, Manuel Uribe passed away May 26, 2014. He did lose some weight, but was still not able to walk before his death. He had not left his bed since 2002.
Manuel Uribe was born on June 11, 1965.
Manuel Uribe was born on June 11, 1965.
Manuel Uribe is 6 feet and 5 inches tall
Manuel Uribe Garza was born on June 11, 1965.
Manuel Uribe Garza was born on June 11, 1965.
Manuel Uribe y Troncoso was born in 1867.
Manuel Uribe y Troncoso died in 1959.
Manuel de Lardizábal y Uribe was born in 1744.
Manuel de Lardizábal y Uribe died in 1820.
Manuel Uribe Garza, he He weighs about 1215 pounds.
Monterrey, Mexico