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The answer is ...No. There is no soda that can make you become infertile. Even though those girls in California believed that about Mountain Dew® it's not true. Stick with condoms. Trust me.

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Q: Can Doctor Pepper make you infertile?
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How can I make a cat infertile?

To make a cat infertile, you can have them spayed or neutered by a veterinarian. This surgical procedure prevents them from reproducing.

Where can you find a doctor pepper costume?

Your best bet would be to do an "on-line" search or you could make your own.

Does the depo make you infertile?

supposedly no

Why are people infertile?

They are many reason why people are infertile of them it is radiation.Long time radiation for any reason can make males infertile.Other causative agent can be genetic or physiologic. Using testosterone can make males infertile.

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Can having an DC makes you fertile?

Having a D&C will neither make a fertile women infertile, nor make an infertile women fertil.

Does daily sex make a man infertile?

no no this natural poses over exertion have no side effects on fertility

Idea abiut men and women they can be infertile unable to have children?

If you suspect you are infertile you have to go to a doctor and have it confirmed. First then can they start to discuss treatment. But they generally say that let it take 12-18 months and if you're not pregnant by then go see a doctor.

How can you heat up Dr pepper with heat?

put the doctor pepper in a pot and boil in on the stove

Do cat's hairs make women infertile?

No, it is not true that cat hair causes a woman to be infertile. This is nothing but an old wives tail.

Can Crohns disease make you infertile?

crohn's disease will not directly cause you to be infertile but some medicines that can be used to treat crohn's can cause infertility