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Yes, but it can be very dangerous. You can become weak and light headed.

Not sure where previous answer as yes, but I would say no. Normal blood donation is 1 pint, and on the average should not donate but every 6 weeks or more.

4 and half pints could be taken by a medical professional only, while monitoring your vital signs, and possibly replacement with serum but I have not heard of this much.

Now why are you asking this? If you are selling blood to buy drugs or something, NO WAY CHARLIE. So if you are loosing that amount through a stomoach ulcer or intestine, kidneys, etc., get your butt to a doctor.

You can get dangerously low blood pressure doing this, as well as faint at any time. And even donating blood, you wait a few hours before doing physical labor or exercise, and then take it easier also.

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Q: Can 4 and a half pints of blood be taken in one week?
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i belive the recomended amount is between 2-4 pints a week :)