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Listen very carefully: NO. Coin silver is blended with copper, and the medicinal claims regarding silver are dubious at best.

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Q: Can 1952 half dollar e used to make colloidal silver to ingest?
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1952 silver dollar?

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Value of 1952 silver dollar?

From what country? The last U.S. silver dollars were made in 1935.

What is percentage of silver in 1952 half dollar US mint?

90 %

How much is a 1952 silver Franklin half dollar worth?


What coins contain the most silver 1952 half dollar vs 1922 dollar?

Dollar coin is larger so has most silver. 1922 dollar Bullion value: 9.96 GBP Silver (.900) - 26.73 g - ø 38.1 mm 1952 half dollar Bullion value: 4.66 GBP Silver (.900) - 12.5 g - ø 30.6 mm

What is a 1952 Canadian dollar bill worth?

Such a coin is silver and the price is determined by silver price. As of writing they are worth $4.10

What is a 1952 half dollar coin worth?

A U.S. 1952 Franklin half dollar is not rare or even scarce, if the coin has any wear at all value is just for the silver about $11.00

What is the value of us silver half dollar-1952?

1952 Franklin half dollars are not rare or even scarce, if the coin has any wear at all value is just for the silver about $12.00.

What is the value of a 1952 US 5 dollar silver certificate?

Please check again and post a new question. The US didn't print any bills dated 1952.

What is the value of a 1952 US 2 dollar silver certificate?

Please check again and post a new question. No US bills of any denomination were printed with the 1952 series date, and the last $2 silver certificates were dated 1899.

What is the value of a 19532 us half dollar?

A U.S. half dollar dated 1953 or 1952 is a Franklin half dollar. If it shows any wear, the value is only for the silver, about $10.00. The coins are very common.

How much is a silver 1952 Benjamin Franklin half dollar?

7-17-11>>> Franklin half dollars are so common most are valued for the silver, about $15.00 as of today. The 1952 issue is a high mintage coin. NOTE: The values for any silver US coins follow the price of silver, so values go up & down.