it's possible,i heard of one girl from my friends
Yes, 13 yr olds most definitely can have kids. Its always hopeful that they don't but stuff happens. People learn to get over. although you can its my personal opinion that you should abort it or just not keep it. I speak from personal experience. I am now 14 and as much as i love my baby girl i regret choosing to keep her because it means i have and will miss out on many experiences a teenager should have.
try at your local library. they let kids 13 and older to volanteer
13 year olds may be able to work at a pool on the weekends as a lifeguard. They may also be able to babysit kids in their town.
No IMVU isn't safe for 9 year olds only because it has sexual behavior and kissing and clothes that kids under 13 years old shouldn't see you must be 13 or older
yes she loves 13 year olds
I am 13 and I use a treadmill about every day!! It helps me stay in shape and feel better about myself. It could help many 13 year olds self esteem to use a treadmill to get in shape. Too many kids out there are obese because they do not eat healthy or exercise. 13 year olds should definitely use treadmills.
i do not really think there are jobs for 13 year olds in Arkansas i looked everywhere for a job and cannot find one for 13 year olds.
Summer camps may hire 13 year olds. 13 year olds can also start their own business by washing cars or baby sitting for people in their neighborhood.
Kids. They can walk and talk.
habbo is for 8 year olds and is about to be banned. HABBO IS NOT FOR 8 YEAR OLDS ITS FOR 13+ BUT THE MAYBE CHANGE FOR 10+.
Some safe and appropriate online platforms for chatting for 13 year olds include: Messenger Kids Kik Messenger WhatsApp (with parental supervision) Discord (with parental supervision) Skype (with parental supervision)
13 Year olds can get side jobs.