

Building blocks of genes

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Q: Building blocks of genes
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Related questions

What are the four building blocks of genes?

The main four building blocks of a gene are as followsSugar( ribose or deoxyribose)Phosphate unitBases(purines and pyridine)Bonds(hydrogen and phosphodiestrase)

Proteins is considered the building blocks what?

Proteins are the main building blocks for tissues including muscle, hair, nails, skin, eyes, internal organs, nerves, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and membranes. They are also the building blocks of cells, cellular membranes, organelles--all the way to the level of DNA and genes.

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He was 12 building blocks old, or 35 in dog-building blocks

Basic building blocks of everything?

the building blocks of life are cells the building blocks of matter are atoms

What are the building blocks of molecules?

The building blocks of molecules are atoms. Atoms combine together through chemical bonds to form molecules. The type and arrangement of atoms in a molecule determine its properties and functions.

What are the buliding blocks of your bodies?

The building blocks of the human body are cells. Cells are the basic unit of life and are organized into tissues, which then form organs. Organs work together to carry out specific functions in the body, such as digestion or respiration.

What are building blocks of matter of life-proteins?

The building blocks of life are cells or you may mean that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

What structures make up chromosomes?

Chromosomes are composed of DNA molecules tightly wound around proteins called histones. This DNA-protein complex is further condensed into chromatin fibers, which then coil and condense to form the recognizable X-shaped structures we see during cell division. Each chromosome contains a single linear DNA molecule that contains the genetic information of the organism.

Is building blocks of matter a change?

No. The building blocks of matter are atoms, not a process.

What are the basic building blocks of cells?

Proteins are basic building blocks of the cells.

What are building blocks of many structuers?

Proteins are the building blocks of many structures,

What are the building blocks of information technology?

Processes are the building blocks of information systems.