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Alot of women have this problem as well as cramping

You should really let your doctor or gynecologist know.

Are you using a condom during intercourse?

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Q: Brownish discharge right after sex in menopause and then no discharge the next day It use to be a yellow discharge so not sure if it is anything to worry about?
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Have i started my period first i had brownish red stuff in my pants but now its just a yellow colour?

the yellow stuff is most likely discharge

What would cause you to have discharge all the time?

It depends what your discharge looks like. Women discharge constantly (may have lesser discharge during peri menopause or menopause.) If your discharge is extremely yellow, is foul smelling, dark (reddish color) you should always see your GP and be checked out to be sure you do not have an infection. Discharge for healthy women should be clear to a cream color. After a period, a woman can discharge a brown discharge and this is "old blood" and can pocket inside and it will just release on it owns. Also, there are times just before periods (just starting into menopause) where there is a pinkish hue to discharge and this too is nothing to worry about. If in doubt please seek out your doctor's advice.

What color do you call a brownish yellow color?

A brownish yellow color is often referred to as "tan."

My bunny has a brownish discharge is that bad?

A brownish discharge in bunnies can be a sign of a health issue such as an infection or injury. It's best to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment to ensure your bunny's health and well-being.

Lip piercing discharge?

You will havea white/yellow/clear discharge it is just flushing out anything in the piercing. It's just a sign of healing.

What color are eggs when they are rotten?

brownish yellow or greenish yellow.

What colour do you get when you mix yellow and violet?


What color is yew?

A brownish yellow color!

What colors are gem stones?

green blue red black yellow brownish light brownish

When yellow stuff comes out of a female ferret does that mean she is due to give birth?

A ferrets gestation period is about 42 days or 6 weeks. After the Jill is bred and the vulva decreases, she may have a thick mucous discharge when pregnant. If the discharge is yellow or brownish and/or foul smelling, it may be a indicate an infection and she should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible

What color do you when you mix brown and yellow?

brownish-yellow that's what I would say

What color does Pluto appear?

brownish red yellow