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He seem supa obsessed. obsess much?? i think so. watch it lady hes on the prowl. RAAWWRRR!!!!! =P i suggest you dump his lame ass.

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Q: Boyfriend said hell break up with you if i go out with male friends?
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Boyfriend says he will break up with you if you go out with your male friends?

Are you meaning that your boyfriend said he would break up with you if you hang out with your other male friends? That's what i think that question says. I know how the dude feels he probably thinks if you go hang out with them there gonna hit on you and stuff, talk to him about hanging out with them get him to trust you with your other guy friends, maybe even bring your boyfriend with you and you all can hang out then maybe hell trust you around them.

Your boyfriend does not like you talking to your male friends - you want to stay with your boyfriend - what should you do?

Men are not friends with girls. They are just friendly with girls that they want to sleep with, or girls that they have already slept with. Your boyfriend knows this because he is a man. That is why he doesn't like it when you talk to your "guy friends."

If you have recently became close friends with a girl and have a thing for her but she has a boyfriend what should you do?

Clarification needed. Are you male or female?

How do you impose yourself as girls best male friend not boyfriend?

say were aquantances. it means friends. not girlfriend friend :)

Should I leave my boyfriend for my best male friend because he loves me more and I love him?

That decision is entirely up to you. Which one do you love more. If you love your best male friend more go for it and break up with your boyfriend. But if your boyfriend means more to you hold on to the good thing you have.

Should you make your boyfriend choose between his female friends and you When your Boyfriend would not want you to have male friends?

That would probably be a good idea. You can't let him push you around like that if you're not going to push back.

Why does my boyfriend prefer to be with his male friends rather than his girlfriend?

Some guys can't handle the emotional baggage women come with.

Is it bad if my boyfriend gets mad when I talk to male classmates?

Yes and no, if you ignore him often than it is not. But if you are just talking with your friends than it is bad.

What is the defintion of a boyfriend?

a boyfriend is one's male friend

What do you do when your boyfriend is jealous of your male friends?

There are a few options: 1. If you really do like your boyfriend, tell him so, along the lines of "They're my friends, but you're who I really like/love [insert lovey-dovey stuff]." 2. If you feel offended by the fact that your boyfriend doesn't trust you, talk it out, possibly dump him. 3. If you're desperate and/or stupid, drop your friends. But remember: Friends are more important that guys! 4. Get a new guy.

How do you say friend in German?

friend (male), boyfriend - der Freundfriend (female), girlfriend - die Freundinaquaintancesder Bekannte (male)die Bekannte (female)Note. Many Germans distinguish in speech and writing between friends and acquaintances, and are less inclined to call the latter friends.

What is the Hebrew word for friend?

a male friend = (chaver) חבר a female friend = (chaverah) חברה The above only work with the same genders (a male would call his male friend a chaver, and a female would call her female friend a chaverah. If a male is referring to a female friend, and not a girlfriend, she would be called yedidah (ידידה) If a female is referring to a male friend, and not a boyfriend, she would be called yadid (ידיד).