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In researching this question I have found dozens of superstitions about hair in general and a few attributed to the colours. Here are a few:

- Fair-hair is said to be a sign of a weak nature.

- Dark hair is said to be lucky and foretell great strength and virility.

- Red hair is said to denote to a bad temper, but also a strong constitution. It is said to be lucky to run your fingers through red hair.

- People with straight hair are said to be cunning.

- People with curly hair are said to be of good temper.

- A cow-lick is said to be lucky.

- A woman who develops curls at her temples (when it was previously straight) should look to her husband's health.

- It is unlucky for a woman to comb her hair after dark if she has a relative at sea.

- Plucking grey hairs will only make more grow in their place.

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Q: Blonde burnette red-haired general hair superstitions?
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