The black star behind the left ear means you are a pornography star.
See links below.
The Star You Left Behind was created in 1999.
After a star with four solar masses dies, it can collapse and form either a neutron star or a black hole, depending on how much material is left behind after the explosion during its death throes.
A high mass star will leave behind either a neutron star of a black hole.
False. A brown dwarf is a failed star that cannot sustain nuclear fusion. When a star explodes it will leav behind either a neutron star or a black hole depending on its mass.
A neutron star is what is left behind from some supernovas, which occur when a massive star explodes.
Neutron Star
* white dwarf * neutron star * black hole
Neutron Star
Neutron Star
No. A supernova is star that is exploding. If any planets are orbiting a star that explodes, they will be destroyed. There is evidence that after a supernova new planets may form from the debris cloud left behind and orbit the stellar remnant, which will be either a neutron star or a black hole depending on the mass of the star that exploded..
Not all stars that undergo a supernova explosion will leave behind a neutron star. Depending on the mass of the star, the remnants could be a neutron star, a black hole, or in some cases, nothing at all if the explosion completely obliterates the star.
A black hole.