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no spider can kill you

What?! There are many Spiders that CAN kill you! By the way, no, it most likely won't.

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Q: Black spider yellow lines on the back will it kill you?
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What kind of spider is black and furry had has a yellow dot on its back?

a garden spider

What is a black spider with yellow dots on its back?

Please look up the Yellow Garden Spider , better know as the "ARGIOPE AURANTIA". Look at it and compare it to your spider and see if you have a match, good luck!!!

What kind of spider is hairy and has a red dot on its back and a cross on its back?

Could be a Black and Yellow garden spider, common the US west coast.

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check it out it is in Australia seriously it is

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a spider known as a cross spider usaually found in the uk

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The black and yellow garden spider is a black- and yellow-bodied spider whose back is marked with white. The arachnid in question may be found throughout Canada and the United States of America. It numbers among the most recognizable of garden arachnids.

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What kind of spider has yellow spots on its back is black hairy and medium sized with a kinda fat body in Washington?

Argiope aurantia Lucas - yellow garden spider

What is a small crawling insect with a black body and yellow vertical stripes on back?

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Found a spider that's black non fuzzy but has a yellow design on it's back and that's it Just on it's back Looked up argiope spider and that's not it found in Oklahoma?

It sounds like you may have found a Yellow Garden Spider or an Orchard Orbweaver. These spiders are commonly found in Oklahoma and have a distinctive yellow design on their backs. They are not harmful to humans and are beneficial for controlling insect populations in gardens.

What kind of spider is small and yellow with a black dot on its back?

The Black Widow Spider has either a yellow, red, or orange hourglass, but sometimes can look like a dot. Links: