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Snot, and I shall explain why.

Snot, or mucus, is a substance which contains all the pathogens and dirt particles that enter the respiratory passage.

Spit, or saliva, on the other hand, is mostly water, with some proteins and enzymes also inside it. In fact, the saiva of some organisms has antiseptic qualities, which is why you will see lions licking their wounds, literally.

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Q: Between spit and snot which has more germs?
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Does spit cause germs?

Spit does contain germs. Spit is saliva. Saliva contains germs because our mouths are full of germs! The mouth is one of the dirtiest areas of the body! So when a person spits, YES they do spread germs!

How can you help the client with pneumonia to breathe more easily and be more comfortable?

to take nasal medicine and to blow the clients nose continuously when they sniff,or if they sniff and snot comes in thier mouth,tell them to spit it out because is removes germs from your body.the reason why the clients nose is clogged up is because of a nasal infection.

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Why is it rude to spit?

Because it is disgusting. Spitters are just spewing their germs wherever they please with no consideration for others.

Why is my snot black?

Brown snot indicates that you might be getting bronchitis. If you are coughing and and it comes up, or if you just spit it up and it is brown, i would see the doctor soon! D:

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This may sound a little weird but a phone has WAY more germs than a toilet seat because a bunch of people may have breathed on it or maybe even spit on it while talking to someone else on the phone while a toilet seat has barely any germs because there arent anything that's germish on your bottoms so it would be fine.

What the reasons for coughing?

The reason you cough is because there are too many germs in your body, and your body tries to get rid of it. Spit out the mucus! :)

How long does it take for germs on my dog to die such as spit and sweat and athletes foot?

dogs don't got athletes foot.

What is the difference between tombolo and a spit?

a tombolo is a spit that joins the mainland to an island

Why do footballers spit?

they use chewing tobacco and u have 2 spit it out

Why do cowboys spit?

Many of them used chewing tobacco, which causes the mouth to make more spit. So unless they wanted to swallow the gunk, they had to spit it out.

The area between two tidal bulges is?

a spit