Just Stop.
No it does not.
Stress relief
Masturbation doesn't do any damage.
It is unnatural and thus Haram in Islam. Islam lays great emphasis on marriage.
No, it is natural. However excessive masturbation may be a symptom of sexual or social dysfucntion.
Lysosomes are organelles found within cells and their function is to digest cellular waste so it can be excreted from the cell.
No, if you eject the sperms as soon as you start masturbating that is not a problem. That condition is referred to as early masturbation.
A girl would softly rub her clit or around it, or put her fingers inside herself focusing on her g-spot.
Since masturbation does not cause weakness, you may have some other medical problem causing you feel weak. You should see a doctor for proper medical evaluation.
Very normal - and not at all unhealthy. If a teenage girl doesn't touch herself, that's perfectly normal and healthy too. For many years it was believed that mastrubation was in some way harmful, but medicine and science now understands that it is entirely harmless.