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Q: Being vaccinated for a disease such as measles can protect a person from that disease for the rest of his or her life true or false?
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Being vaccinated for a disease such as measles can protect a person from that disease for the rest of his or her life. true or false?


Is being vaccinated for a disease such as measles can protect a person from that disease for the rest of his or her life?

Generally not. Most doctors will keep your vaccination record and recommend booster shots whenever necessary. On the whole, as long as you follow your doctor's recommendations, your chance of encountering measles is pretty low.

Can you get Measles once you have been vaccinated?

It is possible to get measles even if you have been vaccinated, but the chances are significantly lower compared to those who are unvaccinated. The measles vaccine is highly effective, with two doses being about 97% effective at preventing the disease. If a vaccinated person does contract measles, it is usually milder and has fewer complications.

Will a person who is not vaccinated against rubella contract measles?

Yes, it is very possible that he could contract measles without being protected with a vaccine.

Explain this statement Vaccines do not only protect against those who get vaccinated but others as well?

If a large enough majority of the population is vaccinated then the spread of the infectious disease is hindered as there are not enough available hosts. As a result people who are not vaccinated are less likely to be exposed.

Where is measles found in your body?

its not in body you just get from person who has a disease

Why it is for most of the population to be vaccine?

It is important for most of the population to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, which helps protect those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons. This also reduces the spread of infectious diseases in the community, ultimately leading to lower infection rates and better public health outcomes.

What vitamin helps control the measles?

None. Measles is a virus and no vitamin will control the disease. It may help the person with immunity, but not stop them from getting it or help when they do have the disease.

Why should we stay away from a person suffering from measles?

It is a contagious disease- you can catch it.

Why does polio happen in northern Nigeria?

Because there is a population that has not been vaccinated against it. It is a viral disease, spread person to person. Vaccination prevents transmission of the disease.

Is the measles communicable disease?

Measles is very communicable. It is so contagious that if one person has it, virtually everyone around them will become infected. This is to assume they are not immune.

Is there any precaution to protect from measles?

The best way to protect against measles is to get vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. It is also important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. Additionally, staying informed about outbreaks and avoiding travel to areas where measles is prevalent can help reduce the risk of infection.