Battle of the Sexes - tennis - happened in 1973.
The Battle of the Sexes - 2013 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
The Battle of the Sexes - 1914 was released on: USA: 12 April 1914
Our Generation - 2006 Battle of the Sexes was released on: USA: 31 August 2007
A battle of the sexes is any competition between females and males, or the persistent rivalry or opposition between males and females.
The cast of The Battle of the Sexes - 2014 includes: Billie Jean King Bobby Riggs
Battle of the Sexes on Ice I - 1996 TV was released on: USA: 8 November 1996
Deadly Affairs - 2012 Battle of the Sexes 1-3 was released on:USA: September 2012Deadly Affairs - 2012 Battle of the Sexes - 1.3 was released on:USA: September 2012
The cast of The Battle of the Sexes - 2013 includes: Billie Jean King as herself Bobby Riggs as himself
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Battle of the Sexes on Ice II - 1997 TV was released on: USA: 25 October 1997