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Q: Barbiturates antidote for amphetamine poisoning
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Is there an antidote to eggplant poisoning?

Eggplant is not toxic.

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What is a sentence using the word antidote?

Because snake venom is deadly, someone had to create an antidote for it. There is no antidote for heavy metal poisoning, but there is a treatment. Your cheerful call was the antidote to a dreary afternoon.

What chemical disposeure is the antidote ethenal alcohol?

The antidote for ethylene glycol poisoning is fomepizole.

Which of the following is a cyanide antidote Nitrite CANA Atropine 2-prolidoxime chloride?

The cyanide antidote is nitrite, specifically amyl nitrite or sodium nitrite, which helps to convert hemoglobin to methemoglobin, allowing it to bind cyanide. 2-PAM chloride (pralidoxime) is an antidote for organophosphate poisoning. Atropine is used to treat certain types of poisoning or overdose, but not specifically for cyanide poisoning.

The antidote adminsterd in case chlorine poisons you?

In case of chlorine poisoning, treatment usually involves administering oxygen therapy along with supportive care such as intravenous fluids. There isn't a specific antidote for chlorine poisoning, so medical professionals focus on managing symptoms and reducing exposure to further contamination. It's important to seek medical help immediately if you suspect chlorine poisoning.

What is tested for in a 10 panel test?

amphetamine barbiturates benzodiazepines cannabinoids cocaine ethanol methadone opiates PCP Tricyclic Antidepressants

Why egg white is antidote for Pb poisoning?

Proteins form an insoluble complex with metallic salts.

MARK you or ATNAA antidote kits combined with help to counteract nerve agent poisoning?


Why is milk used an antidote for lead poisoning?

Milk is not an antidote for lead poisoning. In fact, consuming dairy products may increase the absorption of lead in the body. It is important to seek medical treatment for lead poisoning, which may include chelation therapy to remove the lead from the body.

What kinds of drug poisoning can hemoperfusion treat?

It is used to treat overdoses of barbiturates , meprobamate, glutethimide, theophylline, digitalis, carbamazepine, methotrexate, ethchlorvynol, and acetaminophen , as well as treating paraquat poisoning

What is the antidote for atropine?

Physostigmine is the antidote for atropine poisoning. It works by reversing the effects of atropine on the body's nervous system. It should be administered under medical supervision due to potential side effects.