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Plastics are made up of chemical units together called polymer,which is an artificial substance,and it takes thousands of years to decompose them.They are non biodegradable and if burned,releases toxic gases in the atmosphere. Many new kind of viruses and diseases are caused as bacteria breeds over plastics.Thus,we should avoid plastic as far as possible

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Q: Avoid plastics as far as possible?
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Avoid plastic as far as possible?

Plastics are non-biodegradable materials.They take several years to decompose.It is not environment friendly and causes environment pollution.Burning process of plastics is quite slow.In the process of burning it releases lots of poisonous gas into the atmosphere causing air pollution. Some plastics can't be recycled and so, it is very difficult to finally dispose off such materials. Polythene bags, carelessly thrown in an eating garbage can cause death for the animals like - cows, dogs etc or sometimes even become a cause for clogging of the drains.The only solution to get rid of these problems is to reduce the use of plastics. There lies the justification for saying that 'Avoid plastics as far as possible'.

Avoid platics as far as possible?

Plastics are non-biodegradable materials. They take several years to decompose. It is not environment friendly and causes environmental pollution. Also burning process of plastics is quite slow. In the process of burning it releases lots of poisonous gas into the atmosphere causing air pollution. Some plastics can't be recycled and so, it is very difficult to finally dispose off such materials. Polythene bags, carelessly thrown in an eating garbage can cause death for the animals like - cows, dogs etc or sometimes even become a cause for clogging of the drains.The only solution to get rid of these problems is to reduce the use of plastics. There lies the justification for saying that 'Avoid plastics as far as possible'.

Avoid plastic as far as possible. comment on this statement?

Avoiding plastic as much as possible is important for reducing waste and protecting the environment. Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to marine life and ecosystems. Choosing reusable, biodegradable, or recyclable alternatives can help minimize our reliance on single-use plastics.

What should you avoid anchoring?

Throwing the anchor as far away from the boat as possible and backing up

What should you avoid when anchoring?

Throwing the anchor as far away from the boat as possible and backing up

How do you avoid getting a film on plastic dishes?

use jetdry for plastics

What should be avoided when anchoring?

you should avoid throwing the anchor as far away from the boat as possible and back up

What are all the plastics?

There are far too many to list. See link.

What must a ship do to avoid a cyclone?

Take weather warning as far ahead when available, and then change course to avoid the cyclone area, if possible. If this is not possible, the ship must be made as storm-proof as possible (extra lashings on cargo and fittings, strapped down tarpaulins over hatchways, and so on).

Is it possible for plastics to be biodegradable?

Yes plastics are biodegradable,but be sure to notice on the box, some companies claim their product is biodegradable but they haven't tested it for 100 years or so. Also some plastics are not biodegradable

What are some slogans against plastic use?

There's no solution to this least avoid plastic

Is glass window flexible?

No, plastics are far more flexible. Glass is pretty rigid