The average number of days in a month is around 30.4. With 24 hours in a day, this is an average of about 730 hours per month.
To convert hours per month to kilowatts per hour, you would need to know the energy consumption for that month. Once you have the total energy consumption in kilowatt-hours for the month, you can divide it by the total number of hours in that month to get the average kilowatts per hour. This will give you the average power consumption rate over that month.
The average number of working days per month is 22.
40 hours per week = 10,400 minutes per month
There is an average of 30-31 days per month. Occasionally, there are 29 days in a month. This usually occurs in the month of February.
Depends how many days in the month. 120 / number of days = hours per day eg 30 days in the month: 120 / 30 = 4 hours per day
On average, there are 4 Fridays in a month. However, some months can have 5 Fridays depending on the number of days in the month.
The fortnight is a unit of time equivalent to fourteen days.On average there are 2 per month.
There is no direct formula, it depends how many hours you work per day, and the number of working days in the month. Hourly salary * working hours in a day * number of working days in a month = Monthly salary To get an average, take the number of days in a year and times by five sevenths (assuming a five day week) to get the number of work days in a year Work days in a year = 365 * (5/7) = 261 Divide this by 12 to get average work days in a month: Average work days in a month = 261 / 12 = 21.7 Multiply this by the number of hours worked per day to get the conversion from hourly rate to monthly rate. Assuming a 8 hour day: Average working hours per month = 21.7 * 8 = 173.8 So for example, if you earned $10 an hour, your monthly salary would be on average $1738, although the actual amount that month would depend on how the weekends fell.
Months have different numbers of days. If we assume sort-of-average months of 30 days, you have to multiply all of the following numbers:2 (the number of months) 30 (days per month)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)Months have different numbers of days. If we assume sort-of-average months of 30 days, you have to multiply all of the following numbers:2 (the number of months)30 (days per month)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)Months have different numbers of days. If we assume sort-of-average months of 30 days, you have to multiply all of the following numbers:2 (the number of months)30 (days per month)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)Months have different numbers of days. If we assume sort-of-average months of 30 days, you have to multiply all of the following numbers:2 (the number of months)30 (days per month)24 (hours per day)60 (minutes per hour)
That would be the number "7"...