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A child can legally live alone by themselves at age 18 in Georgia. At age 14, a child can choose which parent they would rather live with.

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Q: At what age can a child live alone legally by themselves in Georgia?
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Can a child at 17 choose to live with someone other than parents in the state of Georgia?

Unless the child has been legally emancipated by the courts, no. A child must reach the age of majority in Georgia (18) before they may legally make the decision on where to live.

Can you legally move out of Georgia at 17 without a parent's consent if you have a child?

Pregnancy/having a child does not emancipate a person.

What age can a child be alone?

This answer depends on the child's maturity level, however I would say I child could be left alone in a locked house at age 12. ----- Legally this varies by jurisdiction.

If you have a child does that legally emancipate you in Georgia?

No. You are a minor with a child. Nothing more nothing less. To be emancipated you need to prove to a judge that you can support yourself and your child.

What is the legal age for a child in the state of Georgia to be left at home alone?

10 or 11

In Georgia if a child moves out at the age of seventeen is the parent still legally responsible for that child?

In Georgia, parents are legally responsible for their child until they reach the age of 18, regardless of whether the child moves out of the home before turning 18. This means that parents are still responsible for providing financial support, supervision, and guidance to their child until they reach the age of majority.

What age can a child stay home along in Georgia?

A child must be at least 8 years old to stay home alone in Georgia. At this age and in this state, they can babysit siblings as well.

What is the age you can leave your child home alone in Louisiana?

The state of Louisiana does not have a law that states the age in which a child can be left home alone. However it is never recommended that a child under age 12 be left home alone for any period of time.

How old does a child need to be to be left alone legally in the UK?

some people say 18 but is say whatever

What is the legal age for a child to be left alone overnight in the state of GA?

10 or older but at least 10-11."Georgia law makes it pretty clear. Between the ages of 9 and 12, you can leave a child alone for up to two hours. Age 12 and up, no more than 12 hours at a time." - NBC There are very few states in the U.S. with legal minimum ages for children home alone, but many state agencies have published guidelines. Georgia, Illiniois, Maryland and Oregon are a few of the states with specific ages mentioned in their laws.12 years of age appears to be the most common recommendation. Below in Related Links is an article entitled Home Alone Children Legal Age Limits which provides a state by state comparison with references.One guideline from a California child welfare representative suggests that 8 year olds and over can be left at home for a brief period of time (usually just after school).

What if the mother of the child fied for child support in Georgia and the father lives in New york and he wanted to legitimize the child after the child support court order do He have to go to Georgia?

Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.Yes. However, if the parents are not married the Georgia court will establish paternity legally in order to issue a child support order. If that's where the mother and child live and mother filed there, that court will have jurisdiction. The father should cooperate with the DNA testing to establish paternity.