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Does it happen while you are eating and drinking? Or is it reflux from your stomach?

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Q: At least once a day I have food or liquid enter my trachia which causes a severe choking reaction what could cause this?
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what will cause choking?

When an object or liquid blocks the throat.

Is heat energy added a liquid causes it to evaporate is it a chemical reaction?

No. It's just a change of state.

Is fat solidifying in a chip pan a chemical reaction?

Yes, this is a chemical reaction in the sense that a lowering of the temperature causes fat to move from a more liquid form to a more solid form.

Is a liquid endothermic or exothemic?

A liquid on its own cannot be described as either endothermic or exothermic. The terms endothermic and exothermic are the names of two opposite process reactions. An endothermic reaction absorbs heat and and exothermic reaction gives off heat. A liquid can be involved in either an endothermic reaction or in an exothermic reaction. If you are evaporating a liquid from its liquid phase to its gas phase, then the reaction is usually endothermic and vice versa, going from the gas phase to the liquid phase, the reaction is usually exothermic.

What chemical reaction is juice?

Juice is not a reaction; it is a liquid mixture.

The process that causes liquid rock to move is called?

Convection causes liquid rock to move.

Why is evaporization an endothermic?

Evaporization is an endothermic reaction which causes a substance to be released into the air. This is typically associated with the change from one state of matter to another like liquid to gas.

Which action involves a chemical change?


What might happen to your butane gas heater when you were caravan in a cold country and there was a sharp frost at night?

Butane is a gas at normal temperature but under cold conditions it may freeze to a liquid which causes choking, and flow of gas may reduce or totally stopped.

What causes metals like aluminium to become brittle when in contact with liquid metals like mercury or gallium?

There is a chemical reaction between mercury and aluminum, forming what is known as an amalgam.

What causes vapor pressure of a liquid?

The evaporation of the liquid by heating.

Why does the liquid in the thermometer go up and down when the weather changes?

the liquid in the thermometer rises because of the surrounding heat which causes a chemical reaction wihtin the substance which makes the liquid rises. When, the liquid sinks, itn is because the air has gotten cooler