Assuming that you have good nutrition, which includes plenty of protein, your maximum height is genetically determined. There's nothing you can do to become taller. .
The average height is 17.5 inches, because biggest parrot is 36 inches long and the smallest is 3.5 inches if you average that you get 17.5. there are hundreds of species. As a general rule, male parrots are more colourful than females and usually larger, for size of adult male female (average) ask about species in question
Anywhere from 75-85 lbs, assuming he is within the average range of height for his age group, being 55.25"-57.25".
The Sumatran tiger is the smallest subspecies of tiger in these days. The average standing height of male is about 80 cm and for the females is of 70 cm. For comparison, the male Bengal tigers average about 91 cm and the Amur tigers about 95 cm.
It is all relevant to your build, height and age. Assuming you are between the age of 15-25 with an average build, it's approximately 100-150 lbs.
I am this height, and my weight is about 115.5 lbs... The average would be around this, possible about 120 lbs.
17.5 inches
Average male height: 1.75 Average female height: 1.63
The smallest rhino species is the Sumatran rhinoceros, which is also known as the hairy rhinoceros. They are the smallest of the living rhinoceros species, with an average shoulder height of about 3.2 to 4.3 feet (1 to 1.3 meters).
there is no average height of an Indian it is like saying what is an average height of a white or black person there is not an answer
largest possible number is (2^2k) - 1 nodes when every other node down to the path is red and it is complete binary tree with height 2k. smallest is (2^k) - 1 nodes
Average ceiling height