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Kennith Lockman

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Q: As you are driving to school you see many things but you don't remember them for very long. This is because memory lasts only a few seconds.?
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What animal has a memory span of five seconds?

Goldfish can only remember the past five seconds of their life.

Can a goldfish remember?

Only things like who feeds them and what they should and shouldn't eat. Their memory lasts about 5 seconds.

What is it called if you remember random stuff from when you were say 4 but cant remember what someone said 2 seconds earlier?

Short term memory loss, or spacing out

How long is a dogs memory?

A dog's memory can last for as little as 20 seconds to several minutes. It is largely influenced by context and relevance to the dog's life. However, dogs have been known to remember certain experiences or associations for months or even years.

When you remember something because it has meaning for you you are using what?

When you remember something because it has meaning for you, you are using semantic memory. This type of memory involves the recollection of facts, concepts, and knowledge that have personal significance or relevance to an individual.

Memory of a goldfish?

Goldfish have short memories, with studies showing they can remember things for only a few seconds to a few minutes. Their memory span is limited due to their brain size and structure. It is a common misconception that goldfish have a memory span of just a few seconds.

Does a fishes brain tell it to stop eating?

no a fish has the memory spam of 3 seconds if it tells itself to stop eating it won't remember to do it

When you see a movie and remember the story because it had meaning to you what memory are you using?

When you see a movie and remember the story because it had meaning to you, you are using episodic memory. Episodic memories are those which are stored when an event is of extreme emotional significance to you.

Why is that when you try to remember something important it doesn't come to your memory sometimes?

It does that because you have memory loss. Your mind just goes blAnk!

How long we remember what we just heard?

Typically, we remember what we just heard for about 20-30 seconds. This is due to the short-term memory capacity of the brain, which can hold information for a brief period before it is either forgotten or transferred to long-term memory through encoding and rehearsal techniques.

Why can't I remember the words that I want to use in conversation?

because of memory loss due

How does memory loss affect you maths?

It affects it because if you got memory loss u would not be able to remember what you've learned in your maths