If you mean what is "a hunk" A hunk is a hot guy.
well yesa becausa ita helpsa ina thea rocka youa ! ROCKA YOUA!
the answer is do mates are youa fer
He is the hottest hunkiest hunk in the WORLD!!
The duration of Hunk - film - is 1.7 hours.
Big Hunk
Hunk - film - was created on 1987-03-06.
You have to beat the game and then play the mini-game called (the fourth surviver, HUNK). You play as HUNK. You can also play as HUNK in Resident Evil 4 on the mercinaries mini-game.
Hunk du Jour translates to "Hunk of the day" in French. It is the name of a popular gay blog (www.hunkdujour.com) which also uses the term as a trademark.
A hunk of dirt refers to a large, solid chunk or clump of soil or earth. It could be compacted soil that has retained its shape or a piece of earth that has been dug up or broken off from a larger mass.
A muscle hunk is typically very large. A muscle hunk typically is a male who has a toned and buff upper and lower body because of their dedication to the gym.