The above answer is wrong. Indeed you are an inch taller when you lie down! I just did it and I was 5'6 but standing, I'm 5'5. try it
Lying down.
Well, darling, technically speaking, you are the same height whether you're lying down or standing up. Your height doesn't magically change just because you decide to take a nap. So, stand tall, even if you're feeling a bit short on sleep.
Standing up or lying down.
When you are standing up, the weight of your body makes the ligaments in between your bones compress, when you lie down, they relax and decompress, hence, you are slightly taller in the morning. Just by a small amount, but still.
If you are standing during the day, the weight of your body will compress your vertebrae a little bit, resulting in a slight reduction in height. While you sleep lying down, the compression eases, resulting in a slightly taller frame at the time you get out of bed.
Sheep primarily sleep lying down, although they are capable of dozing while standing. They feel most comfortable and get their deepest rest when lying down.
It is easiest while standing up.
in which situation you exert more force downward, standing or lying horizantilly?
More lbs. per square inch standing up than lying down.
Are you slightly longer standing up verses laying down?
Elephants do not lie down and sleep. They sleep standing. You know why? They are afraid ants might get into their trunks
well I've seen baby giant pandas eating lying down and the giant pandas sometimes stand or sit