No, you are actually supposed to breath through through your nose. Your mouth is meant for eating and drinking, and oral. Your nose has hairs to stop the dust from entering your lungs, but your mouth does not have those capabilities.
breathe through your mouth
You breathe through your mouth with a machinemask on
No, they breathe fire through their mouth.
Yes, you would breathe mostly through your mouth, but you can breathe through your nose with you tongue sticking out of your mouth.
They breathe through their skin, their mouth lining, and their throat lining, provided they are sufficiently moist.
Cougars breathe through their mouth and nose.
Yes, you want to breathe out through your nose, and in with your mouth
Seals breathe through their mouth and nose.
Yes, they breathe the same way as you and me: through their nose and mouth.
you breath through your mouth when you are trying to do sitting trot.
through their mouth and nose