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no your are supposed to start the pill on the day u finish ur period

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Q: Are you suposed to get you period on the first day of taking the inactive birth control pill?
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On birth control is it possible to get your period while taking the active pills or does it only come when you take the inactive ones?

No you will not get your period while taking the active pills only the inactive pills. You may have spotting. If this is bothersome contact your doctor and they may give you another birth control pill that will work better for you.

What day does your period begin while taking birth control is it once you stop taking the active pills or does it begin when you finish the entire pack including the inactive pills?

The first day of your period will start once you stop taking the active pills.

When your about to start taking the inactive pills in your birth control pack when should you expect your period to start during those 7 days?

Anytime during those 7 days

Could the start of Yaz affect the start of your period?

Yes, when starting any birth control your period will be different than it was before the Pill. If you have taken another brand of birth control pill that follows 21 active and 7 inactive days, chances are you got your period the week you were taking the inactive pills. With YAZ, you will get your period during the 4 days you are taking the inactive white pills. When you start taking the new month's pack, you may still have some bleeding or spotting. Irregular bleeding occurs most often during the first few months of any BCP use. Such bleeding may be temporary and usually does not indicate any serious problems. It is important to continue taking your pills on schedule. If the bleeding occurs in more than one cycle or lasts for more than a few days, talk with your healthcare provider.

If you are on birth control and you know when you are getting your period how can you change it so you won't be on your period at a certain time?

if you're on the pill, skip the "inactive" pills and start again on a new pill pack instead. the inactive part is what gives you your period. it's safe and everything. Just continue to take your active pills without a break or taking sugar pills and you will stop your period. It won't hurt you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist.

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

Do you need to take the inactive tablets when taking the birth control pill?

Yes, you will need to take your inactive pills. There are no hormones in your inactive pills and missing them will not increase your risk of pregnancy. The purpose of inactive pills is to remind you to take the pill everyday and when to start the next packet.

Do expired birth control pills still work properly?

Yes and No. Each brand of birth control is different. Your period may or may not be longer than length of the inactive pills (the 4-7 pills at the end of the pack that are a different color). The only pills that "ok" to skip or miss are the ones that are inactive. Some pill brands such as Loesterin 24 are not just placebos (sugar pills) but they contain iron which is helpful when you are on your period because it helps replace the nutrients in the blood lost during your menstrual period. There is a reason the inactive pills are there. They are there to help you remember when to take the next active pill. It is okay if you miss an inactive pill while on your period but I would recommend taking them anyways just to ensure that you know exactly which day to start taking your active pills again or to gain nutrients that are lost during your period.

My period has just ended during which I was taking placebo pills and today I will start a new pack What is my chance of getting pregnant if I have sex tomorrow and he pulls out?

If you are on birth control pills you can have sex any time you like. And he does not have to pull out.the inactive pills are just there to keep you in the habit of taking the pill.

Is it ok to take penicillin right after inactive birth control pills?

NEVER stop taking penicillin without a doctor's consent, regardless of which birth control pills you're taking, because infections will come back.

What happens if you delay your period for a week while on birth control and then do not get your period straight away when you start taking the sugar pills?

Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.

When you stop taking your birth control pills and u have a period is that a regular period or a pill period?
