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a person can fancy people of the same sex whether they are tomboyish or not.

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Q: Are you still a lesbian if you only fancy tomboy girls?
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Are you still counted as a lesbian if you only fancy girls that are tomboys or boyish?

If you're a girl and you only like girls, then yes, you are considered a lesbian. If you're a girl who likes guys and which ever type of girls, then you are bisexual.

When girls go to all girls schools do you turn lesbian?

No, this is not true. You can go to an all girls school and still be straight. It's just up to you if you want to become a lesbian.

What if you are a girl that like girls?

You are a lesbian but don't let anyone be nasty about it because you are still a person

What is the difference between a gay person and a lesbian?

Gay is usually for guys and lesbian is girls well that's how it seems. You can still call a girl gay but calling a guy lesbian would be weird.

Are you a lesbian if you were liked girls for 7 years?

If you mean 'Are you lesbian if you liked girls for 7 years?' then, not technically. If you still like girls, then yes. Some people changed their sexuality over time, it's sometimes a common thing with some people.

My BFF keeps saying I've changed but I'm still a tomboy I just want to wear a tiara on my birthday. How do you wear a tiara and still be a tomboy?

You can be a tomboy 364 days of the year, and still be a princess on your birthday.

Is Alex Russo still tomboy?


Is it true that when you become a tomboy you become to like girls?

No . Being who you are is what makes you happy . Now there are choices as we get older ,some girls let their flesh control them . And they start to like girls . I'm a Christian ,for me it was a process . I grew around working ,and playing . But it's okay to be who you are but don't get carried away . You have to learn to still conduct yourself as a young lady and still have fun . There's nothing wrong with playing basketball. Because I love it ,but as far as liking girls ,you have went to far . But being a tomboy is okay ,but for me it was a growing process . I couldn't do boy things and expect boys to treat any kind of way ,but as you grow older ,making choices are important . I learned that the way you conduct yourself is the way people are going to treat you . But I still got a little tomboy in me ,but I'm still a young lady ,and no when you are a tomboy ,you don't become to like girls ,we all have choices,and we choose what's right . But as we get older and we do t change our ways ,and we don't make choices ,choices start to make us .

Does a tomboy like girls?

Um I Think a tomboy Will Still Like Boys Just Beacuse They Want to be a boy doent mean they wont like boys unless there are some serhes wich is the other way round ? but im not going to be the one to answer that ? because im ont a tomboy so i lke boys what ever?Um I Think a tomboy Will Still Like Boys Just Beacuse They Want to be a boy doent mean they wont like boys unless there are some serhes wich is the other way round ? but im not going to be the one to answer that ? because im ont a tomboy so i lke boys what ever?

How can you be a tomboy?

Not necessarily, the definition of a tomboy is a girl who enjoys contact sports usually played by boys, a girl who wears boy's clothes, and/or a girl who usually hangs out with boys moreso than girls. Tomboys can be heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual. Absolutley not. If you are more comfortable in guys clothes, you like sports, or you just like to be one of the guys, that has nothing to do with what gender you are interested in!!! You shouldn't listen to what other people are saying, it is what you like.

How do you become a girlygirl after years of being a tomboy?

Well, it's sometimes hard but if you hang around girly girls that can help. But don't completely change it's better to still be tough but sweet.

How to achieve tomboy look?

I'm actually a tomboy myself. I thought I was pretty girly, but nobody thinks that. If you want to dress like a tomboy, you need to wear a lot of grays, browns, black and dark blue colors. Print is not the way to go. Print as in flowers and hearts and that stuff, and don't wear tight clothes unless they're in that list of colors. Plaid could work if you put an undershirt on with the plaid jacket and roll up the sleeves with some black skinny jeans or some nice baggy comfortable khaki's. Now, that's how you dress. If you're trying to transform yourself into a true tomboy, you gotta slouch in your chair with your legs slightly open or one leg UNDER the other on the chair. When you put one leg on top of the other, you're not being a tomboy, but more of a man and that's just weird (plus alot of girls do that which is weirder). Put your head back like a tough football player for the tomboy effect... haha. You don't have to hang out with dudes to be a tomboy. Make sure you don't care what other people think of you. A lot of tomboy's have lower voices, too, so you can try that. Also, tomboy's are just straight or "lesbian" girls who have more testosterone than many other girls. You can be a tomboy and still have a boyfriend (but when you do, be silly around him, but not weird). You should stay really funny and make jokes about stupid stuff like pickeled pickles or chicken and cheese or your obsession with onions (i dont know). Make sure that you're you. By the dang way, if you're not comfortable with this, than go back to being girly or in between. Whatever suits you is the best way to go.