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reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes

=objectives of reproductive health=

1. to ensure that the comprehensive and factual, information and full range of reproductive health-care services,including family planning, are accesible, affordable, acceptable and non convinient to all users

2. to enable and support responsible, voluntary decision about child bearing and methods of their choice for regulation of fertility which are not againts the law and to have the information, education and means to do so.

3. to meet changing reproductive health needs over the life cycle and to do so in ways sensitive to the diversity of circumstances of local communities

=reproductive health care programs=

reproductive health care should be designed to serve the needs of women, including adolescents and must involves women in the leadership, planning, decision- making, management, implementation, organization and evaluation of services. government and other organization should take positive steps to include women at all level in the health care system

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If properly educated about this law, the students will be more open and more liberated about reproductive health. I would like to believe that it will enable the students of both genders to know what is available for them in terms of reproductive health. If it is really established that everyone has a choice in terms of their reproductive health then the students will be able to understand how to be responsible especially in age-sensitive issues regarding reproductive health.

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The Health Reproductive bill in the Philippines respresents a bill that is passed to have better access to health in the country especially for women and children needing it.

When was National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health created?

National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health was created in 1970.

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