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usually; you always want what you can't have

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Q: Are you likely to want someone back who treated you badly?
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How do you win a boy back that you treated badly?

Be nice to them! == ==

Are you likely to go back to someone who treated you bad and that you dumped?

No, if they treated you bad then you were right to break up with them in the first place. It's time to move on.

How do the African American feel when they treated badly?

Like we are back in slavery dags.

Why do you get upset when you are treated the way you treat others?

If you treat others badly, and get treated back in the same way, then you are upset. However, if you treat others nicely, then you get treated nice back and dont get upset. =)

How to quit a job were you always get treated badly and receive dirty looks?

you walk out and don't come back.

How were women treated badly back in the day?

ankwhitey:Any broad spectrum answer to this question gives the question too much credit. Women were "treated badly back in the day" for the same reasons they are treated badly currently. Women are treated badly when they are weak, or vulnerable; and someone who is evil- or simply idiotic, decides to take advantage of that situation. Women have no more or less power today than they ever did, although the way that power manifests itself has changed. The same is true for men. Either sex is a force to be reckoned with, and always has been.

What it means when you hurt someone but you want them back but they dont respond?

You hurt them too badly; they dont want you anymore

How can you still be friends with someone after they hurt you?

Men and women who have been in love NEVER stay friends after they break up, especially if one of them treated the other badly. It is possible to stay in contact with someone casually, but almost always one person secretly wants to get back together. It is possible to be friends with someone you once loved after a long time apart, but trying to stay friends is impossible.

Will state of Oklahoma extradite someone from California back to Oklahoma on warrants for child support?

yes if that state want's you badly enough.

What happens if you drink someone's blood?

You will likely get sick & vomit it back out.

How did Christopher Columbus treat the natives where he explored?

He treated them pretty good. He encouraged them to eat . Or I'm wrong and he treated them really mean.

What does 'you will get your own back' mean?

If someone ways to you, "you will get your own back" it means they believe you have done something nasty to someone and eventually something nasty will happen to you. It is a way of saying that you will be treated as you treat others.