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Q: Are you embarresed you pooped in your diper?
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Eploded Diper by Loded Diper

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Pampers dudes

What is the name of Rodricks band?

The name of Rodrick's band in Diary of a Wimpy Kid is Löded Diper.

Who invented the diper?

Valerie Hunter Gordon

When was the first diper made?

the native Americans had them! doi!

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poo pee diper

What was Helen Keller's main accomplishment?

she pooped..

What is the name of Rodricks Heffleys rock band?

Loded Diper.

What is the name of loded diper's lead singer?

bill Walter

What makes a baby stink?

it makes dieria and rolls in the diper

Wate happins in a diper?

Everything you can imagine would happen