Not really, it is just a sunset. It is beautiful, but it doesn't make a person happier.
No, "happier" is not a verb. It is actually an adjective that describes a person or thing experiencing more happiness than another.
A clean house is the sign of a good person.
Clean House Comes Clean - 2007 Clean House Yearbook was released on: USA: 9 September 2010
Clean House Comes Clean - 2007 Clean House Phobias was released on: USA: 3 November 2010
Clean / tidy (adjective in female gender): la casa está limpia --- the house is clean Clean / tidy (imperative of the verb "limpiar" for the second person in familiar singular address): Limpia las ventanas --- clean the windows
in a way if your house is real messy then they will look at you like you are lazy and don't clean it. But now if it is real clean they will be surprised and look at you like a clean active person.
Clean House Comes Clean - 2007 Clean House Cast Favorites was released on: USA: 8 September 2010
You drop a little person on it and it will clean haven't you been on help it tells you everything you are so stupid
by having etiquette
If the hassle is worth the end result, and you will be happier then I say go for it!
Example sentence: I will clean the house."Will" replaced with "About to": I am about to clean the house."Will" replaced with "going to": I am going to clean the house.