Yes i am Mario's Husband..We've been married for 9 years and are soon expecting a child.. boy i can't wait to push him out..My name is Levitra Roth on my free time i play Scrabble and like to swim in my skimmies..My favorite city is Dallas Texas.. DB =] i love eat raw meat wallet..while singing Michael Jackson's song thriller.. Mario likes to dig in my stench trench with a rusty spoon..
no marios brother is luigi not bowser
Marios Leousis was born in 1936.
Marios Leousis died in 2011.
Marios Loizides was born in 1928.
Marios Loizides died in 1988.
Marios Hadjiandreou was born in 1962.
Marios Varvoglis died in 1967.
Marios Nicolaides is 5' 9".
Marios Themistokleous was born in 1977.
You must find these 5 Items: Marios Hat: Washer in the Wash room Marios glove: Projector room Marios Letter: Courtyard Marios Star: Shoot the moon is the observatory Marios Shoe:Twins Room
Marios Kapnisis goes by Google.
Marios Strofalis was born in Athens, in Greece.