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Q: Are woman naturally submissive in sex?
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How do you enjoy submissive sex?

you will enjoy it if you are a submissive person like me, i love it when my girlfriend takes the lead in sex. if you dont like it then maybe you're a more dominant person in bed?

How do you pass a virgin test?

By not having sex. There is no real way to test if someone is a virgin because the hymen can be broken naturally before a woman has sex.

What does a submissive woman want?

She wants whatever you tell her she wants!

Where do you find a dominant woman?

All people are dominant, all people are submissive.

What do females typically do during sex?

well females can do many things during sex. they can be dominant or submissive, on top or on bottom. we can do it all but its completely up to the individual.

How do abusive women treat submissive husbands?

In my experience an abusive woman will increase the level of abuse in the relationship as long as the submissive husband tolerates it or allows it to go on. In my own case, I was conditioned to fear my wife and to accept all punishments. An abuser requires a spouse who is weak and submissive and takes the abuse.

What is the difference between passive and submissive in a gay relationship?

In the gay community, "passive" is a word used to describe a man who is the "recipient" of the penis during anal intercourse. Sometimes passive is also applied to the one who takes the other's penis into his mouth (receives it inside him) during oral sex. This is opposed to a person who is "active" which means they are the ""inserter" during anal intercourse and the "inserter" during oral sex. Someone who enjoys both giving and receiving during anal intercourse or oral sex would be considered "versatile". Often the term "versatile" is applied only to anal intercourse.Someone who is "submissive" is often understood to be one who submits to another person's desires, whether in a sexual way or just generally."Submissive" is unlike "passive" in that "submissive" does not have to have an opposite. In gay sex, if there is a passive (recipient) person, then there must be an active person. Likewise in BDSM, if there is a submissive partner, there must also be a dominant partner because the submissive partner conforms to the desires of the dominant party. Most people, most of the time, are neither submissive nor dominant in their dealings with others, whether sexual or otherwise. They are cooperative. What we call "vanilla" sex is just cooperative sex, regardless of who is active and who is passive.There is good reason from what gay men say and do to believe that the passive (recipient) person in gay sex often feels or imagines himself to be submissive and derives sexual pleasure from that feeling or imagination. Likewise, the active person often feels or imagines himself to be dominant and derives sexual pleasure from that.

Where do you learn how to be a good submissive female and where do you get your start for bondage play?

Some say that being a "good submissive female" can not be is part of your basic imprinting. Like gays can not decide to be can not decide to be are or you are not. If you have had fantasies about being dominated by men, or women for as long as you can remember. You might have rape fantasies. You like aggresive sex partners...eventually you learn that your joy is giving pleasure to your master or mistress no matter what they ask of you. Getting started? If you are a woman and you are looking for a male prepared to step into a world where the man takes command of you very quickly and is a little scary. You gotta be ready to give it up completely. When the Submissive is ready...the master will appear.

What role does a young Chinese bride play in her husband's family?

A Chinese woman will raise children and do what her husband wants her to do. The traditional Chinese woman is submissive typically.

Can sex make a guy not to date a girl?

woman as sex object and woman as child

Who is the more dominant a man or a woman?

Man duh! What is god? A man so that makes us males dominant over woman +++ Neither sex is the more dominant by nature: individuals of either sex can have dominant or submissive personalities to greater or lesser extents and effects on their own lives and those close to them. The idea that gods are sexual beings and so one sex of humans is automatically dominant over the other by being of the god's own supposed sex, reflects only the prejudices and philosophies of the society that invented that deity, assigned its sexuality and devised the beliefs.

How get women get pregnant?

Women have sex cells called eggs, and men have sex cells called sperm. When a woman has unprotected sex with a man (ie she's not taking Birth Control and the man isn't using a condom) and one of the man's sperm cells enters the woman's egg, a fetus forms and the woman becomes pregnant. Some people have fertility issues, meaning that it's difficult or impossible for them to have a baby naturally. There are treatments these people can use to increase the chance of pregnancy.