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It is not my policy nor within my abilities to evaluate the complete and entire efficacy of a firm, nor can I estimate their intent, inherent morality. I also have had no dealins with USANA or their products. This is not an opinion then. It's an expression of the result of research performed on the internet, and a background in business, health and analysis matters. In short, my intent is to be objective and insert no opinion -- just report.

That said, there is no doubt there is a ton of uncertainty about USANA, their products, and marketing methods. First, weight loss products:

While weight loss is a critical medical risk factor in America, the UK and Europe nowadays, most authorities agree that weight loss requires a lot more than simply dosing with a medication, preparation, etc. Behavioral, dietary and even cultural factors all come into play and, if the required outcome is to be achieved, a behavioral change seems to be critically important. This isn't going to happen with a medical or dietary supliment alone and, while reputable sources will occassionally choose a pharmacological route, it's always in adjunct to other aspects of therapy. USANA does not faciliitate this.

USANA plays it pretty close to the chest about ingredients, so it's not possible to evaluate the clinical usefullness of their product. That said, I am aware of no hospital or clinic using their products in the same way that FDA approved meds are applied. Long story short, these are marketed as home remedies. So there is nothing to say these products are vital to your health. Anecdotal reports are mixed, but most say they do little or nothing -- note that this is purely anecdotal info, as I can find no studies whatsoever that empirally look into their product.

The main complaint is the marketing method, however. USANA uses a marketing method that they call MLM, or "multi-level marketing". This controversial approach has the touch and feel of a pyramid scheme or a Ponzi scheme, and it seems to be losing reps quickly now. The information offered on their company performance profile is indicative of a pyramid marketing scheme.

So -- in this case -- Caveat Emptor -- Buyer Beware.

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