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Yes - anti-venin is type specific. You need to know what species of snake inflicted the bite - to administer the correct remedy.

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Q: Are there different kinds of antivenin for snake bites?
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What is a snakebite antidote?

If the snake is non-venomous, then no special treatment is needed beyond what you would do for any puncture wound. Snakes do not have dirty teeth and there is very little danger of infection from a snake bite. Most of the germs a snake would have do not affect humans at all. It is possible to get Salmonella from handling snakes, but this is from contact with waste and not their fangs.If the snake is venomous then an antivenin needs to be administered. Each different species of venomous snake has a different venom and for every different venom there is a special antivenin. It is very, very important to get a good look at the snake so that it can be described to doctors or herpetologists so that the correct antivenin can be administered.Snake bites antidote is antivenin

How is the antidote for a cobra bite developed?

If the snake is non-venomous, then no special treatment is needed beyond what you would do for any puncture wound. Snakes do not have dirty teeth and there is very little danger of infection from a snake bite. Most of the germs a snake would have do not affect humans at all. It is possible to get Salmonella from handling snakes, but this is from contact with waste and not their fangs. If the snake is venomous then an antivenin needs to be administered. Each different species of venomous snake has a different venom and for every different venom there is a special antivenin. It is very, very important to get a good look at the snake so that it can be described to doctors or herpetologists so that the correct antivenin can be administered.

How is a antidote for a cobra bite developed?

If the snake is non-venomous, then no special treatment is needed beyond what you would do for any puncture wound. Snakes do not have dirty teeth and there is very little danger of infection from a snake bite. Most of the germs a snake would have do not affect humans at all. It is possible to get Salmonella from handling snakes, but this is from contact with waste and not their fangs. If the snake is venomous then an antivenin needs to be administered. Each different species of venomous snake has a different venom and for every different venom there is a special antivenin. It is very, very important to get a good look at the snake so that it can be described to doctors or herpetologists so that the correct antivenin can be administered.

Can antivenin kill a person?

Antivenin is produced from blood serum of horses or sheep. If a person has an allergy to either of these animals, the antivenin could cause death faster than the venom from the snake.

Why do you not apply ice packs to snake bites?

Ice packs can sometimes cause more tissue damage than the venom. It will also slow down the absorbing of antivenin and other medications given at the hospital.

Snake bite antivenin is an example of?

Passive Immunity & Acquired Immunity ,

What is the recommended course of action if a dog is bitten by a venomous snake and requires antivenin treatment?

If a dog is bitten by a venomous snake and requires antivenin treatment, the recommended course of action is to seek immediate veterinary care. Antivenin treatment should be administered by a veterinarian as soon as possible to counteract the effects of the snake venom and increase the chances of a successful recovery for the dog.

How do you cure an eastern diamondback snake bite?

Go directly to the hospital for antivenin injections.

Is snake poison used for rattlesnake bite?

No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.

Can electric shock negate poisonous snake bites?

Only if you electrocute the snake before it bites you.

You are wondering if you should get snake bites so what are the bad things about snake bites?

they kill you stupid

What snake bites?

Any snake bites hurt, it's the poisonous ones that are dangerous though