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Acid rain in large amounts can produce health issues, however a average acid rain fall does not contain enough acid to really cause any damage or health issues. In order to have enough acid in the rain to cause noticeable health issues, there must be at the least a foot of rain on the ground. Now even if that much rain is common where you live, acid rain is very rare. Even when it is acid rain there is no real way to tell the difference between the two, unless you have all the proper scientific equipment to test it right then and there.

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Q: Are there any health problems associated with acid rain?
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Are there any health problems assoiciated with acid rain?

Yes, acid rain could easily burn through your house go through your walls and kill you:)

what are disadvantage of acid rain?

disadvantages of acid rain: 1. can cause health problems 2. can kill nature 3. can kill animals and their habitats 4. its bad for their environment

Does Germany have acid rain?

Yes Germany does have problems with acid rain.

Can acid rain harm an animals health?

Can acid rain harm you

Why is acid rain bad for human health?

Acid rain can harm human health by irritating the respiratory system, increasing the risk of heart and lung diseases, and causing skin problems. Inhaling acid rain pollutants can lead to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, especially in individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

Why is acid rain bad?

Acid rain is bad because it can harm plants, aquatic life, and infrastructure. The acidity in the rain can damage soil, disrupt ecosystems, and corrode buildings and statues. Acid rain is also detrimental to human health when pollutants are inhaled or ingested.

How does acid rain affect the human health?

Acid rain can damage skin of a person.

What acid rain effect humans health?


What is poisoning by acid rain?

Acid rain causes pH problems and can dissolve heavy metals. These may cause poisoning..

What are the bad effects of rain?

Acid rain having bad effects.The problems acid rain is rapidly spreading because it is mainly caused by industrial processes,auto mobiles,and power plants.Those countries that are developed have the most severe acid rain problems how ever as the undeveloped nations begin to industrialize,acid rain increase greatly.Many ecosystems are effected by acid rain bodies of water such as lakes and rivers.

How does acid rain affect the people's health?

it have some affect the people's health

What Problems threaten Europe's forests and lakes and rivers?

acid rain