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Q: Are there any Dangers associated with using a photocopier?
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The danger associated with using a swinging crib is the unstability of the swinging crib. You yourself can bump into because it is moving and your child can not be steady inside of it either.

What is a photocopier?

A photocopier is any electrically operated machine using a photographic method, as the electrostatic process, for making instant copies of written, drawn, or printed material.

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Using lazatives is not a good way to loose body weight. In fact the average person cannot do this or they will have some extreme issues such as intenstine infections.

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Well yes, You can burn, or cut yourself...

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When using the Calor Gas heater, the heater must not be moved in any way. One must not put clothes and/or similar equipment directly on the heater while it is in use.

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The dangers of playing Texas Holdem online are the same as the dangers associated with any gambling. The main issue is the addiction, and due to the fact that people are using a credit card rather than cash money and one can lose track of time and lose a lot of money while playing.

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no my mom uses it

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Yes, there are a few danger to using Brite smile. Some of the side effects are gum irriation and mild to severe pain associated with using the product. Also, you may find that after using the product for a long period of time you may experience enamel and tooth decay.

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A photocopier is a common sight in any office environment. The role of the photocopier is to make copies of what you put into it.

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What a photocopy?

A photocopier is any electrically operated machine using a photographic method, as the electrostatic process, for making instant copies of written, drawn, or printed material.