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No, they are awesome (coming from a teenager yet totally not biased)

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Q: Are teenagers weird
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Related questions

What is like to be a teenagers?

to be honest i am not really sure. it can be hard, easy and weird. but the best thing to do is have lots of fun!!

How did teenagers act in the 1970's?

During the 1970's teenagers acted very inappropriate and dressed very weird but during that time allot of teenager were acting very ridicules.

How did teenagers in the 1970's act?

During the 1970's teenagers acted very inappropriate and dressed very weird but during that time allot of teenager were acting very ridicules.

Why aren't male teenagers allowed to wear tuxedos to school dances or school graduations?

they are allowed your school is weird

Why is nickelodeon weird?

Nickelodeon is "weird" because the network is supposed to attract the attention of younger children. Therefore you will find shows that range in craziness from shows for toddlers such as Dora the Explorer, to shows for teenagers such as Degrassi.

Why are there so many weird answers on here?

Many of the contributors on WikiAnswers are mindless, careless teenagers. People like them tend to write peculiar, ridiculous, and/or offensive questions and answers.

What was the creature found in Panama?

It was either some unknown alien or (this is cruel) a baby sloth that the kids killed and shaved so that they could get attention. Either way the teenagers killed a weird creature.

Who listens to music more adults or teenagers?


are you hiring teenagers?

are hiring teenagers

What is depression teenagers?

Teenagers who are depressed

What is teenagers angst?

Teenagers angst is teenagers acting out usually because they hit puberty

When was For the Weird by the Weird created?

For the Weird by the Weird was created in 2004.