Depends how hard you throw them.
The phrase "the cat's been on the strawberries" does not have a standard or widely recognized meaning in English. It could be interpreted literally as a cat having physically been on a pile of strawberries, or it could be a nonsensical or metaphorical statement. Without additional context, it is difficult to determine the intended meaning of this phrase.
Cats can safely eat certain berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries in moderation. These berries are non-toxic to cats and can be a healthy treat for them.
Strawberries are a nutritous snack because the have a good source of Vitamin C.
Spring and Summer
becuase th are good for you
NOW! In Europe, we are coming into prime strawberry season - generally June is best month for strawberries
Yes they do. Strawberries have that taste when you bite into it, it is sweet and cold. Then the aftertaste is probably the best part. That's what makes you want to take a bite of another strawberry
There are some really good recipes for strawberries on the following sites ,, . The recipes include food and drink ideas. Delicious .
Strawberries are typically good for about 3-7 days before they spoil, depending on factors like freshness, storage conditions, and ripeness.