Straight men are too straight to be gay. so dats not gonna happen to a straight guy wad ever his age be.
The opposite of gay is straight. Gay refers to individuals who are attracted to the same sex, while straight refers to individuals who are attracted to the opposite sex.
Panisexual is a person who is attracted to people who are gay,lesbian or straight.
The difference between straight and gay partners is their gender attraction. Straight people are attracted the opposite gender for their partners, whereas gay people are attracted to their own gender.
Jewelry cannot be gay. Only people can be gay. If you are attracted to the same gender, you are gay. If you are attracted to the opposite gender, you are straight.
well, it means you are not straight.
If you are gay and straight, then presumably you are bisexual, attracted to the same and the opposite sex. The best of both worlds?
In some cases, none. In other cases a man who was "straight" now is "gay" (or straight as related to the surgery.) A sense of peace and comfort with the world. The person is suddenly in their right body. If they are MtF and are attracted to men they are straight, if they are attracted to women they are lesbians If they are FtM and are attracted to men they are gay, if they are attracted to women they are straight.
I'm gay, I've never been attracted to women at all.
If a straight man is attracted to a gay man, then he must not be straight.
No you can't if your gay (attracted to men) then you wouldn't like females T all
No. Gay people are no more or less dangerous than straight people.
This question is very wrong, I myself am gay and there are many straight very masculine men I am very attracted to. But some gay men like feminine men because that's what they are attracted to, everyone is attracted to different people.