Psilocybin is mostly a stimulant but it can also act as a depressant. It stimulates parts of the brain, producing its hallucinogenic effects. Psilocybin also stimulates stretch reflex (resist relaxing muscles), increases heart rate in many cases, and dilates pupils, but it is inconsistent. For example, lower blood pressure is a depressive effect which is common, but it is also common (to a lesser degree) to experience higher blood pressure.
its a depressant
Definitely a depressant
Not a hallucinogen. It is either a stimulant, depressant or both depending on the strain.
Magic mushrooms are neither a stimulant or depressant. They are a hallucinogen.
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant.
Khat acts as a stimulant.
Mescaline is a hallucinogen.
stimulant it's a neurotransmitter, not a drug