

Are sawflies harmful

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Are sawflies harmful
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Related questions

What are some harmful insects?

Onespotted Stink Bugs, Thrips, Mosquitos, Aphids, and Sawflies.

How long do sawflies live?

4 to 7 months

What do sawflies do when threatened?

run away with their tails between their legs

What order is a wasp in?

Wasps are in the order Hymenoptera.This is the same order as ants, bees and sawflies.

What has the author R B Benson written?

R. B. Benson has written: 'Collecting sawflies'

What is an argid?

An argid is a member of the Argidae, a large family of sawflies, containing around 800 species worldwide.

What are some unique characteristics of a female sawfly?

Female sawflies have a needle-like ovipositor that they use to lay eggs inside plant tissues. They do not sting or bite humans, but can cause damage to plants by feeding on them or laying eggs in them. Sawflies undergo complete metamorphosis, with larvae resembling caterpillars and adults resembling wasps.

Is it safe to eat goosberrys from a bush infected with goosberry sawflies?

Noits poisonousits dirtybugs go on it... (might even wee on it) *giggle*

What are bees related too?

Bees are in the class hymenoptera. Their closest relatives are the other members of the class and these include wasps, ants, sawflies, and hover flies.

What is groupe of bees?

The bee is in the family hymenoptera (which also includes wasps, ants and sawflies) and group apidae (honey bee) or bombus (bumble bee).

What has the author Hachiro Yuasa written?

Hachiro Yuasa has written: 'A classification of the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Insects, Larvae, Sawflies, Saw-flies

What is a pamphiliid?

A pamphiliid is a member of the Pamphiliidae, a small family of insects whose larvae use silk to build webs or tents, and who roll leaves into tubes, thus being commonly known as leaf-rolling sawflies.