They're not only safe they dont cause the common rubber odor and they're comfortable. From a female perspective there's more sensation throughtout. So far it's the best condom I've had experience with.
What is family ?
It is safe as long as it's used properly.
the coolgardie safe is made of used japanese condoms
be safe, use condoms
If you are wondering if it is safe to tackle your friend into your computer desk rugby style, then no it is not safe because your desk will damage over time.
Trojan makes Trojan condoms. They are great for preventing pregnancies. For full effectiveness use a pregnancy pill along with the condoms, though this isn't 100% safe.
Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) itself is safe, but it will weaken latex condoms.
Condoms both safest & easiest.
Condoms are only 85% safe.
On all safe items, e.g. condoms
condoms are a lot safer