No, raw noodles are not bad for you. Foods like eggs, meat, etc. should always be cooked, but noodles will not harm you if eaten uncooked.
NO! as long as you don't choke on them
It can be if overindulged, as they will expand in your stomach. Be sure to chew thoroughly, and watch your liquid intake. Too much water and too many noodles equals bloated stomach and heavy breathing.
no :)
No, but apparently noodles are bad for grammar.
It is no worse than eating it cooked. The noodles are high in carbohydrates, so be sure to have some protein and vegetables with them.
No, unless you eat too much noodles.
eating noodles daily is really bad since they add wax to the noodles
Most sources say it is best, after drying, to freeze homemade egg noodles, instead of storing in a pantry, due to the raw egg content of the noodles.
Where'd you hear that? People eat raw pasta, and I've never heard of it giving anybody worms. I've certainly never had worms in my life, and I can never resist crunching a few noodles while I'm making pasta! People also eat raw Top Ramen.
Eating noodles can make you get a lot of carbs, and carbs make you gain weight.
not really just not as healthy