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If you only run it when you are not home. If it only puts out less than 0.05 ppm of ozone. If you don't have Asthma. Ozone causes airway restriction due to inflammation. It is very good for destroying odors and most allergens. Get one with a timer, turn it on when you leave, and make sure it has been off for at least an hour before you return home.

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Q: Are ozone generator air purifiers healthy?
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Do HEPA air purifiers create ozone?

HEPA air purifiers do not generate ozone as they rely on mechanical filters to trap particles like dust, allergens, and pet dander. Ozone-generating air purifiers should be avoided as ozone can be harmful to health, especially for individuals with respiratory conditions.

What makes the ionic pro different from other air purifiers?

There are several reasons the Ionic Pro is different from other air purifiers. Mainly the Ionic Pro has a fan that most purifiers don't have that produces higher air flow through the unit as well as producing an ozone scent in the air.

What kind of Air Purifier do I need?

The kind of air purifier that you need depends on the type of allergy that you need it for or the type of contaminant (mold, fungi, etc...) that you want to remove. Many people are satisfied with HEPA air purifiers for traditional home uses, while for removing mold or fungi, some suggest going with an ozone generator model. There are many different types of air purifiers on the market. In order to know which one is right for you, you can go to to compare a list of air purifiers and determine which one will benefit you most.

Do home air purifiers work?

Yes, home air purifiers work. Different air purifiers will work in different ways. An air purifier with a HEPA filter will so a good job of cleaning the air. The purifier also needs a strong fan. An air purifier can only clean the air that passes through it. If you get an air purifier with a HEPA filter and a strong fan, it will clean the air in you house. Watch out for 1. ionic air purifiers, they usually don't work very well. 2. ozone generators because ozone in dangerous to your health 3. if there is no fan, it can't do a good job.

What are the health benefits of Ionic Breeze air purifiers?

Ionic Breeze air purifiers make it possible to breathe clean, healthy air. Breathing pure air reduces the risk for lung infections and air borne diseases.

What happens if your ionic air purifier adds ozone to the air does this deplete it?

The ozone layer is not depleted in any significant way by the use of home ionic air purifiers. They may contribute to the pollution levels in your home, or they may help a little.

Air purifiers do they dry the air out?

Most air purifiers do so.

What stores sell living air purifier?

Living Air ozone generating air purifiers are not available for purchase in California, but can be purchased from Amazon and several other online retailers.

When pool ozone generator goes bad?

Fit it. Then find out why it was fed air that was not very dry. The air dryer is usually the cause of generator failure, since the air can also make sticky gunk that will fail the generator.

What does the company Iqair manufacturer?

They make air purifiers and air cleaning systems, such as the "HealthPro" and "Perfect 16". They are specialized in making the indoor air fresh and healthy!

Is air purifier non ionized?

Air purifiers can come in both ionizing and non-ionizing forms. Non-ionizing air purifiers typically use filters to remove particles from the air, while ionizing air purifiers release charged particles to attach to airborne particles and remove them. It is important to check the specifications of the air purifier to determine if it is ionized or non-ionized.