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I don't think there is any difference in reaction however, society allows women to show they are hurt more than it does for men.

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Q: Are men or women react more when hurt?
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How men and women react in different situation?

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Can men hurt women?

Not legally. Which is just as much as women can hurt men.

Do more women get hurt in sports then man?

not as many women play sports as men but there is the same chance of getting hurt

Do men think about women they've hurt?

If you mean do mean get hurt by women emotionally, yes, on average more so then women, we don't have the same support from friends. Takes men longer to get over things.

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Women, because women think there tough and dont know how much it will hurt to get hit by a man.

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ANSWER:I've been in different countries and when it comes to feelings and cheating, I think it depends on individual because of their values. But one thing for sure when it comes to betrayal people do get hurt men or women.

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The same reasons women hurt men.

Why do Lesbians punish all men when it comes to a relationship when most men care about women and don't like women being hurt WHY?

That's the person, not the sexual orientation. More men than lesbians hurt women so one can ask Why do men hurt lesbians by hurting women etc. Each person is responsible for their own relationship whether it's a man or woman doing the hurting or getting hurt. lesbians don't care what men think just like when a straight man beat his wife, he would care less what a lesbian thinks.

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Love is hardly the answer. Women do not in fact love deeper than men. In fact it has been proven that men are more romantic than women. Men fall in love easier and fall out of love slower than women. Men are more hurt by break ups than women. So, in essence your question is flawed from the beginning. How do I know? Social Psychology.

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men want to be women

What happens to the men and women in the story night?

the got hurt

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