men I think women are more likely to forget to feed their pets than beat them where men usually are more..aggressive I guess
most likely death or capyivity
the year with the most animal abuse is every year,many people like to abuse animal in diffrent ways.Overbreeding and poching animal are some of our main parts of animal abuse.
both men and women have the same percentage for alcohol abuse, but men have a high percentage of using illicit drugs
The recommendation about animal abuse is that it should be reported. There are guidelines and consequences regarding animal abuse in most areas that should be adhered to.
Those in their late teens and early 20s are most likely to abuse alcohol.
Most definitely not. Abuse is abuse, in all forms.
It would depend on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse may in fact be women, but physical and sexual would most certainly be men.
# Animal abuse # Child abuse # Elder abuse # Spousal abuse # Emotional abuse or psychological abuse # Physical abuse # Sexual abuse # Spiritual abuse # Verbal abuse * Human rights abuse * Legal abuse (Vexatious or malicious litigation/prosecution) * Drug abuse * Internet abuse The answer depends on what you define as abuse. The list is most likely quite endless. And some people thrive in situations where others crumble. Sorry for the lack of a good answer; but with what little information I have on your perspective and why you need this information, this is the best answer I've got for you.
you know that who answers this question
If a man is abusing his girlfriend and or wife, then he will more than likely be abusive to all women. It is a mind frame, women to him = abuse. This is not true in all cases but in most of them.
This would depend on your definition of abuse. Some "Animal Rights" groups would suggest that keeping any animal domesticated (cows, horses, oxen) for labor or even as a pet would constitute abuse. Extremist definitions of abuse notwithstanding, it's simple to correlate the number of certain pet species with the level of abuse. Common household pets, consequently, are the most likely to be abused in the conventional sense of the word.